Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Corporate Tube for interactive learning.

Interactivity enhances learning. Enrich your content with interactive systems for digital learning. Learning content can thus be conveyed in a simple and interesting way and be better remembered. We support you with suitable methods and tools to make your learning content modern and interactive. Learn more now!

Augmented reality (AR).

Make digital learning varied and modern. Using augmented reality, the perception of reality can be augmented with computer support. This allows you to create a very vivid and memorable learning, which is particularly efficient because information and objects become tangible. 

Why should you choose Augmented Reality formats?

By connecting the physical with the virtual world, you can present learning content interactively. This promotes intuitive communication, learning becomes tangible. We support you in implementing AR for your training and information transfer in tailor-made applications and provide you with the appropriate APP. 







What are the areas of application for AR in the learning environment?

The learning experience can be extended practically by AR. For example, a manual can be expanded by making it experienceable and can be represented by AR how a certain part of a machine is used. AR in a learning environment can offer many benefits, e. g. in medicine, manufacturing, or construction – because the learners get additional insights and interactive information at their fingertips. 


The benefits of Augmented Reality in the learning environment:

  • Complex scenarios can be clearly represented and visually experienced (3D animation).
  • Augmentation of reality leads to interactive learning.
  • Linking of all media content possible (text, audio, image, video).
  • Can also be experienced on mobile devices.
  • Individual developments according to your wishes and operational requirements.


Virtual Reality (VR) – learning in virtual space.

VR goes one step further: Here, reality is not "just" expanded – learners use VR glasses to go completely into a virtual space. Thus, the learners fully immerse themselves in the other world and the learning becomes a completely new experience. So you can feel yourself at home in new buildings, at new machines, in new areas ...


What are the areas of application for VR in the learning environment?

The fields of application are very wide-ranging. Popular are, for example, interactive training simulations, communication solutions, sales. and service materials, product presentations or interactive information systems.


What are the benefits of using VR?

Virtual Reality goes one step further: the learner enters a completely virtual space. It can, for example, mimic reality or provide a completely new learning experience. Thus, the learner can fully immerse himself in the content of the medium and experience it virtually. 

Corporate Tube:

Get your own "YouTube" into the company! How do you do that? It's very simple. You design the content. Whether you let a video team shoot a moving image or use our mobile film studio, for example, is up to you.


The advantages of Corporate Tube at a glance:

You can publish produced video content on your company's own video channel, giving you full control over how the content is used.

  • Create your own video portal as an internal knowledge base.
  • Subscribe to channels and tags so you never miss content again.
  • Create your favorite lists.
  • Corporate Tube includes filters and search functions.

Our approach for your customized solution.

Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality: Together we analyze your needs and goals and present you hardware and software solutions based on application scenarios. We support you step by step in the development of your individual solution and concept.



Want to find out more?

Simply e-mail us at or call your local account manager. We’re happy to help.