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Your NIS2 navigator – Stay on top of the new cybersecurity directive.

Discover the world of NIS2 and how to navigate the latest directive affecting a host of companies.
We’ve compiled the most important information and insights on NIS2 to give you an extensive overview of this crucial topic. Note: Our information resources are growing at a steady pace. We will be adding new content here over the course of the year.

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Your NIS2 navigator – Stay on top of the new cybersecurity directive.

Discover the world of NIS2 and how to navigate the latest directive affecting a host of companies.
We’ve compiled the most important information and insights on NIS2 to give you an extensive overview of this crucial topic. Note: Our information resources are growing at a steady pace. We will be adding new content here over the course of the year.

Stay up to date –
Subscribe to our NIS2 updates.

Stay up to date and receive the latest information on NIS2. Subscribe to our NIS2 updates!



Digital event 27/02/24

Interactive Q & A.

This event will kick off a comprehensive series on the latest NIS2 Directive. Get the latest news on the current state of affairs and planning for NIS2 implementation.
NIS2 – More than plug and play. How to increase cybersecurity at your company and master the latest EU standards.

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What will change with NIS2?

NIS2 will update and bolster the EU’s NIS1 cybersecurity standards by expanding the scope of application, introducing the obligation to report security incidents and dictating closer collaboration between EU member states. The purpose of this is to combat the growing and ever-changing cyber threats with a unified and robust line of defence.

The evolution of cybersecurity.

NIS2 is the next logical step for existing security measures which are already anchored in many companies by ISO standards and laws such as the KRITIS Regulation or the IT Security Act 2.0. By introducing NIS2, uniform standards are being established across Europe that build on the previous enterprise efforts and investments.

NIS2 – An organisational process with the aim of increasing cyber resilience.

It’s crucial to understand that companies have to adjust their security strategies by means of adapting their organisation, processes and technologies.



Portrait Hermann Reissig


NIS2 is both a challenge and an opportunity to increase your company’s resilience against cyberattacks. The directive poses the opportunity to rethink your security strategies and perfect them, in order to guarantee the protection of critical date and services.

Hermann Reißig, Head of Information Security Competence Centre, Bechtle Systemhaus Holding AG



The focal points of the NIS2 Directive – A brief overview


  • Europe-wide directive that will become national law by 17 October 2024 (pending)
  • This will affect more than 25,000 companies and organisations in Germany
  • NIS2 affects all aspects of a company (management, organisation, processes and technologies)



Who does NIS2 affect?

  • A whole host of new industries and companies with 50+ employees.
  • Companies of high importance to the economy and society.

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NIS2 application

Company size

Critical infrastructures and essential entities

Essential services such as energy, transport, health, finance

Company size does not play a role as implementation is critical

Industry (manufacturing)

Industries such as medical devices, mechanical engineering, automotive, food, computers, electronics

Depends on the company size and how important the business is for society

Digital services

Cloud computing services,
online marketplaces, search engines


Depends on the size and market share of provider

Public administration
Generally affects all Depending on national laws
  • Critical infrastructures and essential entities
  • Industry (manufacturing)
  • Digital services
  • Public administration
NIS2 application
  • Essential services such as energy, transport, health, finance
  • Industries such as medical devices, mechanical engineering, automotive, food, computers, electronics
  • Cloud computing services, online marketplaces, search engines
  • Generally affects all
Company size
  • Company size does not play a role, as implementation is critical.
  • Depends on the company size and how important the business is for society.
  • Depends on the size and market share of provider.
  • Depending on national laws
Portrait Philipp Schütz


Implementing NIS2 is more than just a plug and play scenario. It requires a custom-tailored approach with strategic planning and continual adjustments, as processes are at different stages of maturity in different companies.

Philipp Schütz, Head of Information Security Competence Centre, Bechtle Systemhaus Holding AG



Icon Warning triangle

Faster reports.

More agile incident reporting processes

Icon Document

Europe-wide uniformity.

Uniform cybersecurity requirements

Icon Eye

Risk management.

Regular security checks and improvements

Icon gear wheel


Support for automated security systems

More effective security measures.

Robust protection

Faster reports.

More agile incident reporting processes


Support for automated security systems

Europe-wide uniformity.

Uniform cybersecurity requirements

Risk management.

Regular security checks and improvements

Holistic and individual –
The Bechtle NIS2 framework.


We provide our customers with holistic support throughout their NIS2 journey.
We will shed some light on the status quo, show where there is a need for action
and always have the right tool to hand.


Holistic and individual –
The Bechtle NIS2 framework.


We provide our customers with holistic support throughout their NIS2 journey.
We will shed some light on the status quo, show where there is a need for action
and always have the right tool to hand.


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