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Ideation Innovation Workshop –
Creative Solutions.

In our rapidly changing world, we are faced with new challenges every single day making ‘innovation’ an essential strategy for success. At Bechtle, we see innovation as a tool for identifying opportunities and risks, trends and developments with the aim of developing new and effective solutions. In our Ideation Innovation Workshop, we’ll tackle your most important questions about transformation and use creative techniques to find solutions to your challenges with a focus on a user-centric approach and creating new added value for your business.

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Benefit from our service packages.

Entwicklung von innovativen und nutzenstiftenden Lösungen
Development of innovative and efficient solutions
Strukturierte und methodengestützte Herangehensweise
A structured and method-based approach
Förderung der Kreativität und Problemlösungskompetenz
Fostering of creative and troubleshooting skills
Interaktives und co-kreatives Workshopformat
Interactive and co-creative workshop format
Use case
Product description
Use case

Develop innovative solutions with our Ideation Innovation Workshop.

Our Ideation Innovation Workshop is particularly valuable when you are on the look out for new innovative approaches and is perfect for companies facing new challenges or hoping to resolve issues by approaching them from a new perspective. No matter if you want to react to market changes, implement technical updates, drive forward product innovations or optimise processes, our workshop is a platform for fostering creative and realisable ideas.


Take an innovative approach to problem solving.


Examples of questions companies are facing are:

  • How can we make IT self-service attractive?
  • How do we create productive workplaces for our employees?
  • How do we optimise the customer experience to boost loyalty?
  • Which strategies can we develop to make our company more sustainable?
  • What can we do as a company to be seen as an attractive employer?


Find out more in our Ideation Innovation Workshop.

If you’re unsure if the workshop is right for you, get in touch! We’ll discuss your specific needs to determine if our workshop can be an effective tool for you.

Product description

The ideation process begins with an in-depth analysis of the issue or challenge at hand before we start thinking about initial ideas. Those ideas will be whittled down to the most promising based on pre-defined criteria and will then be fleshed out before being evaluated. We’ll then work with you to determine next steps for implementing the best ideas, meaning the process isn’t just about coming up with creative solutions, but turning them into reality.


As part of the offering, you’ll benefit from:

  • A one-day workshop with preparation and follow-up
  • A comprehensive collection of initial ideas
  • Well-developed ideas for solutions
  • Detailed documentation of the results
  • Information on how Bechtle can continue to support you after the workshop
Innovationsworkshop Ideation Infographic EN
Innovation Workshop Ideation
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