Gamification – Play your way to success.

Gamification stands for the use of game-typical elements and mechanics in a non-game context, such as learning. It can be used to practice for real-world situations in a safe environment. It is a good way to motivate and engage users through fun, social interactions (teamwork), competitive elements (points, awards, levels), and self-development (own use of a character with an avatar). Likewise, users strive to figure out the complete story of a game and then play through the game to the end. Through interaction, the user receives immediate feedback.



Gamification: use of game-typical elements and mechanics in a non-game context

Serious Gaming: a game whose primary purpose is not to entertain the players, but to learn or change their behaviors

Gamebased Learning: teaching method - gaining competence through learning based on games


The mode of action of gamification is mainly explained by motivational psychological approaches. It focuses on three innate basic human needs, namely

  • The need to experience oneself as effective, effective, functional, and competent,
  • The need to experience oneself as personally autonomous, proactive, and self-determined.
  • The need for social inclusion.

Overall, most studies show a positive correlation between gamification and motivation and productivity.



At the company:

  • Gamification is not about turning work into a game. Rather, it's about mixing game mechanics with work to make it more interesting while increasing employee productivity.
  • Mixing game elements and meaningful rewards with daily activities helps keep employees' attention and encourages them to do their best.
  • A large portion of today's workforce is made up of millennials. These generally demand instant recognition for their work. Implementing a gamification platform that provides instant rewards and recognition when tasks are completed helps increase these employees' engagement and productivity at work.

Goal: Improvement of teamwork

Bechtle Learning Services supports you, from the preliminary discussion to the complete implementation!



Want to find out more?

Simply e-mail us at or call your local account manager. We’re happy to help.