Pre-empting zero-day cyber criminals.

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Pre-empting zero-day cyber criminals.

Cyber criminals know what they’re doing. They invest all of their energy—and a great deal of money—into identifying undiscovered software security gaps. This lets them access sensitive business data before the victim or software developer even knows the gap exists.


Zero-day vulnerabilities are especially lucrative for hackers, as they can steal off with their loot before the clueless victim realises it was even in danger in the first place. And because the vulnerability is initially known only to the hacker, no patches or updates exist. Once the damage is done, the developer is forced to scramble for a solution. So what can you do to protect your company from zero-day attacks?


Battling darknet foes.

Vulnerabilities bring in thousands of euros on the darknet, and this lucrative opportunity has not escaped the notice of cyber criminals. Even certain gaps that have already been officially identified find themselves for sale in the shady hinterlands of the Internet. This poses an all-too-real danger, which is why several initiatives are under way to identify and counter zero-day attacks as quickly as possible.


One of them, Google’s Project Zero, has already reported multiple critical software vulnerabilities. TippingPoint’s Zero Day Initiative goes beyond merely recognising and reporting security issues, it also works to fix them before hackers are able to exploit them. Who will win this behind-the-scenes battle: cyber attackers or technology’s modern-day knights in shining armour?


Professional expertise by Bechtle.

We’ll advise you on all the strategic and technological questions you’ll need to consider in order to defend yourself against zero-day attacks and optimise your security strategy. We’ll also show you which solutions will help you most effectively pre-empt hacker attacks.

Pre-empting zero-day cyber criminals.

Cyber criminals know what they’re doing. They invest all of their energy—and a great deal of money—into identifying undiscovered software security gaps. This lets them access sensitive business data before the victim or software developer even knows the gap exists.


Zero-day vulnerabilities are especially lucrative for hackers, as they can steal off with their loot before the clueless victim realises it was even in danger in the first place. And because the vulnerability is initially known only to the hacker, no patches or updates exist. Once the damage is done, the developer is forced to scramble for a solution. So what can you do to protect your company from zero-day attacks?


Battling darknet foes.

Vulnerabilities bring in thousands of euros on the darknet, and this lucrative opportunity has not escaped the notice of cyber criminals. Even certain gaps that have already been officially identified find themselves for sale in the shady hinterlands of the Internet. This poses an all-too-real danger, which is why several initiatives are under way to identify and counter zero-day attacks as quickly as possible.


One of them, Google’s Project Zero, has already reported multiple critical software vulnerabilities. TippingPoint’s Zero Day Initiative goes beyond merely recognising and reporting security issues, it also works to fix them before hackers are able to exploit them. Who will win this behind-the-scenes battle: cyber attackers or technology’s modern-day knights in shining armour?


Professional expertise by Bechtle.

We’ll advise you on all the strategic and technological questions you’ll need to consider in order to defend yourself against zero-day attacks and optimise your security strategy. We’ll also show you which solutions will help you most effectively pre-empt hacker attacks.


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