Collaboration & Productivity.

Office 365 in companies – Make your cloud a reality with Bechtle!

John sighs as he sees the e-mail. He puts down his coffee cup and sinks into his chair. This wasn’t how he imagined the day would pan out. He had wanted to work on a new feature that would let his users send large data attachments. The current limit was nowhere near big enough and he and his team were constantly being asked about it. He would love to give his users what they wanted, but that means finding a way around the current system architecture's limitations. His screensaver comes on – “Make it happen” staring back at him from the screen.




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„Eigentlich möchte ich als „Enabler“ auftreten und sinnvolle neue Features implementieren. Aber unsere Infrastruktur lässt das leider nicht zu. Und es fehlt mir auch an Personal.“


– Klaus –

Easily activate, manage and extend cloud services.

Thomas dashes into John's office: “New employees are starting tomorrow and we don’t have any more licences,” he tells his boss. John stabs at the keyboard and the screensaver disappears. The day of reckoning has finally come. He and Thomas have been planning to optimise their licensing model for a while now.


Josh slinks into the room with his phone to his ear. “I’ve got Mr Sperling from sales on the phone. He should be in a phone conference but can’t dial in from his car. What should I tell him?” John takes over the call.


External employees still cannot join conferences or access internal data without a VPN in the existing system. As things are today, that’s not going to change very soon.


John glances over at Josh and Thomas as he’s helping Mr Sperling before a new e-mail catches his eye. The data protection officer has got in touch. They need to increase security. John needs to speak to Josh about it. But Josh has disappeared.

Easily activate, manage and extend cloud services.

Thomas dashes into John's office: “New employees are starting tomorrow and we don’t have any more licences,” he tells his boss. John stabs at the keyboard and the screensaver disappears. The day of reckoning has finally come. He and Thomas have been planning to optimise their licensing model for a while now.


Josh slinks into the room with his phone to his ear. “I’ve got Mr Sperling from sales on the phone. He should be in a phone conference but can’t dial in from his car. What should I tell him?” John takes over the call.


External employees still cannot join conferences or access internal data without a VPN in the existing system. As things are today, that’s not going to change very soon.


John glances over at Josh and Thomas as he’s helping Mr Sperling before a new e-mail catches his eye. The data protection officer has got in touch. They need to increase security. John needs to speak to Josh about it. But Josh has disappeared.

Bechtle can help.

The appointment that is so close to his heart is getting closer. Management have given his idea the green light. Soon, Office 365 will be implemented throughout the company to improve communication and collaboration. John nearly knocks over his now-cold coffee as he jumps up from his chair. He’s suddenly full of energy again.

His meeting with Mr Weber at Bechtle is set for tomorrow so they can discuss the technical and organisational challenges. It’s important to John that the migration is as painless as possible for his users. Only a few days ago, a switch to a cloud-based solution seemed to be just a pipe dream, but now everything seems to be falling into place quite quickly.


Bechtle can help.

The appointment that is so close to his heart is getting closer. Management have given his idea the green light. Soon, Office 365 will be implemented throughout the company to improve communication and collaboration. John nearly knocks over his now-cold coffee as he jumps up from his chair. He’s suddenly full of energy again.

His meeting with Mr Weber at Bechtle is set for tomorrow so they can discuss the technical and organisational challenges. It’s important to John that the migration is as painless as possible for his users. Only a few days ago, a switch to a cloud-based solution seemed to be just a pipe dream, but now everything seems to be falling into place quite quickly.


Large amounts of data? No problem with Office 365.

John takes his employees to the meeting the following day. Thomas finds out that their licensing problems will soon be a thing of the past with office 365 as licences can be added at any time. There also seems to be a solution to the attachment issue: Office 365 makes it possible to send large files via e-mail. The limits can be defined in the Exchange Admin Center or using PowerShell. Josh gives John the thumbs up. John smiles to himself.

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Download "Office 365" factsheet

Bechtle Clouds Marketplace.

Central portal for selecting and billing of next-generation digital Cloud services.


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Download "Office 365" factsheet

Large amounts of data? No problem with Office 365.

John takes his employees to the meeting the following day. Thomas finds out that their licensing problems will soon be a thing of the past with office 365 as licences can be added at any time. There also seems to be a solution to the attachment issue: Office 365 makes it possible to send large files via e-mail. The limits can be defined in the Exchange Admin Center or using PowerShell. Josh gives John the thumbs up. John smiles to himself.




Große Datenmengen – kein Problem mit Office 365.

Zum Meeting am folgenden Tag bringt Klaus seine Mitarbeiter mit. Thomas erfährt, dass ihre Lizenzprobleme mit Office 365 schon bald der Vergangenheit angehören werden, da Lizenzen jederzeit unkompliziert zubuchbar sind. Auch was die Dateianhänge anbelangt, scheint sich eine schnelle Lösung abzuzeichnen: Office 365 ermöglicht das Versenden großer Dateianhänge per E-Mail. Der Rahmen kann im Exchange Admin Center eingestellt oder per PowerShell festlegt werden. Bernd zeigt Klaus einen nach oben gerichteten Daumen. Klaus lächelt in sich hinein.

Large amounts of data? No problem with Office 365.

John takes his employees to the meeting the following day. Thomas finds out that their licensing problems will soon be a thing of the past with office 365 as licences can be added at any time. There also seems to be a solution to the attachment issue: Office 365 makes it possible to send large files via e-mail. The limits can be defined in the Exchange Admin Center or using PowerShell. Josh gives John the thumbs up. John smiles to himself.

„Using Software as a Service, the IT department no longer has to simply react to issues, but can work freely. Plus, Bechtle Office 365 Admin Support saves even more time”


– Mr Weber, Bechtle –


Admin support


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Microsoft Teams.

John decides to use Microsoft Teams as their future collaboration solution. It means that external employees are able to better connect and collaborate with business partners, customers and colleagues. Dialling in to phone conferences from the car won’t be a problem anymore. Even accessing documents from a smartphone will be as easy as pie. John can’t help but think about Mr Sperling and the time and effort he will save as a result. For the first time in a long time, he feels the weight lifting from his shoulders.

Microsoft Teams.

John decides to use Microsoft Teams as their future collaboration solution. It means that external employees are able to better connect and collaborate with business partners, customers and colleagues. Dialling in to phone conferences from the car won’t be a problem anymore. Even accessing documents from a smartphone will be as easy as pie. John can’t help but think about Mr Sperling and the time and effort he will save as a result. For the first time in a long time, he feels the weight lifting from his shoulders.








Zum Microsoft Teams webinar







Download "EOP" factsheet



Exchange Online Protection (EOP) – Top protection against spam and malware.

Back at his desk, John’s first job is to answer the data protection officer. With Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) all e-mail traffic will be protected from spam and malware. Cloud services will encrypt all transmitted and saved data. Sensitive documents will be regularly backed up and saved in a location near to the customer. Using e-Discovery, forensic investigations can be carried out in case of an emergency.


Exchange Online Protection (EOP) – Top protection against spam and malware.

Back at his desk, John’s first job is to answer the data protection officer. With Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) all e-mail traffic will be protected from spam and malware. Cloud services will encrypt all transmitted and saved data. Sensitive documents will be regularly backed up and saved in a location near to the customer. Using e-Discovery, forensic investigations can be carried out in case of an emergency.

Exchange Online Protection (EOP) – Top protection against spam and malware.

Back at his desk, John’s first job is to answer the data protection officer. With Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) all e-mail traffic will be protected from spam and malware. Cloud services will encrypt all transmitted and saved data. Sensitive documents will be regularly backed up and saved in a location near to the customer. Using e-Discovery, forensic investigations can be carried out in case of an emergency.



Secure und reliable.

Exchange Online Protection provides advanced security and reliability to help protect your information.

  • Eliminate threats before they reach the corporate firewall with multi-layered, real-time anti-spam and multi-engine anti-malware protection.
  • Protect your company’s IP reputation by using separate outbound delivery pools for high-risk email.
  • Five financially backed SLAs attest to a high quality of service, including protection from 100% of known viruses and 99% of spam.
  • Globally load-balanced network of data centres helps to ensure a 99.999% network uptime.

Secure and reliable.

Exchange Online Protection provides advanced security and reliability to help protect your information.

  • Eliminate threats before they reach the corporate firewall with multi-layered, real-time anti-spam and multi-engine anti-malware protection.
  • Protect your company’s IP reputation by using separate outbound delivery pools for high-risk email.
  • Five financially backed SLAs attest to a high quality of service, including protection from 100% of known viruses and 99% of spam.
  • Globally load-balanced network of data centres helps to ensure a 99.999% network uptime.

Sicher und zuverlässig.

Exchange Online Protection bietet verbesserte Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit für den Schutz Ihrer Daten.

  • Wehren Sie Bedrohungen ab, bevor sie die Firewall des Unternehmens erreichen – mit mehrstufigem Echtzeitschutz vor Spam und einem auf mehreren Modulen basierenden Schutz vor Schadsoftware.
  • Schützen Sie die IP-Reputation Ihres Unternehmens durch separate Ausgangspools für kritische E-Mails.
  • Fünf Vereinbarungen zum Servicelevel (SLAs) sorgen für eine hohe Verfügbarkeit und Dienstqualität, einschließlich des Schutzes vor 100 % aller bekannten Viren und vor 99 % aller Junk-E-Mails.
  • Ein globales Netzwerk aus Rechenzentren mit Lastenausgleich bietet eine hohe Netzwerkverfügbarkeit von 99,999 %.
Visit the Bechtle Training Centre.


Training centre


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Before he finishes up for the day, John has a quick look at his calendar. Over the coming weeks, there are several appointments at the Bechtle Training Centre, set up to get the employees aboard as early as possible. Allowing them to experience the benefits of the new technologies and ways of working is essential to make sure the migration is a success. Bechtle’s trainers have already come up with a few ideas.


John sends an e-mail to Mr Sperling to make sure the sales department also takes part in the training before meeting Thomas and Josh for an after-work beer.

Before he finishes up for the day, John has a quick look at his calendar. Over the coming weeks, there are several appointments at the Bechtle Training Centre, set up to get the employees aboard as early as possible. Allowing them to experience the benefits of the new technologies and ways of working is essential to make sure the migration is a success. Bechtle’s trainers have already come up with a few ideas.


John sends an e-mail to Mr Sperling to make sure the sales department also takes part in the training before meeting Thomas and Josh for an after-work beer.

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Bechtle Clouds Services.


Bechtle Cloud Services are part of the “All-in” Cloud lifecycle. We guide you through all phases and at all levels, so that you get the very best from your custom Cloud infrastructure.


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Phone: +49 7132 981 1400


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