Cloud Insys Multicloud-Integration im Unternehmen Englisch

Four steps to success.


When INSYS MICROELECTRONICS were looking to renew their IT infrastructure in 2016, they found the perfect partner in Bechtle. Both companies share a common passion for digitalisation and an enthusiasm for IT. A joint project was born—implementing a future-proof multi-cloud environment. A project overview. 




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Four steps to success.


When INSYS MICROELECTRONICS were looking to renew their IT infrastructure in 2016, they found the perfect partner in Bechtle. Both companies share a common passion for digitalisation and an enthusiasm for IT. A joint project was born—implementing a future-proof multi-cloud environment. A project overview. 


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Our experts have the answers! Contact us any time at


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Our approach.


Visionary thinking

It became clear right from the first meeting that simply exchanging the data centre’s hardware would not achieve the goal of achieving cutting-edge and flexible working. Instead, it was decided to leverage IT-as-a-Service and innovative IT solutions to create a modern workplace concept with a great deal of added value for the business. A challenging project, with Bechtle at their side as a reliable partner to boost their business.


Structured approach

The planning phase was shaped by the multi-level Bechtle approach. A business analysis including determination of requirements and business assessment enabled the company to develop a catalogue of measures for their short, middle, and long term goals. The cornerstone for INSYS’ IT realignment had been laid.


Feedback welcome

After the idea and the planning phases came concrete project implementation. Bechtle managed all of the internal and external service providers in terms of time, budget, and quality. Regular feedback helped to gauge the feeling outside of the project team at INSYS which meant that Bechtle was able to introduce corrective action where needed together with INSYS to make the project a real success for all parties.

The Bechtle solutions architects then concentrated on the questions: How and with which provider could the measures be implemented? How can the environment be mapped in the future? They conducted an analysis of the current state as part of the solution design before creating a migration plan together with INSYS. The result—a complete package tailored to INSYS’ custom requirements.


Scalable infrastructure

The close collaboration between INSYS and Bechtle resulted in a tailored, holistic multi-cloud project. The optimal technical development therefore was always in sight—as well as the human factor. From a technical point of view, INSYS employees now benefit from quick processes and flexible working options. This is made possible thanks to a modernised infrastructure with flexible cloud solutions bundled into a new single platform. And the employees can securely access their own IT from anywhere in the spirit of a modern digital workplace. The result is a modern, scalable infrastructure that’s ready to take INSYS successfully into all future challenges.


Want to make changes to your cloud services? Want to expand on what you have? Questions about how to use your new IT? No problem. Our skilled service and customer success managers and their teams are by your side. Because your satisfaction is at the heart of what we do.


A detailed inventory is the foundation of a cloud solution that meets all your company’s requirements. How is your IT architecture set up? What are your company’s goals for the future? How can cloud services help you to achieve them? Our IT business architects will help you answer these critical questions.


To harmonise your IT with your business strategy.


Our approach

We analysis your company in three steps:


Business assessment

During the business assessment, we try and gain an exact overview of the status quo Using workshops, interviews and the Bechtle Cloud-Readiness Check, which is an extensive catalogue of questions aimed at determining how ready your company is for the cloud.



As soon as your company's current situation and goals have been clearly defined, our solution architects work with you to plan the perfect cloud environment.


Would a private, hybrid or multi-cloud be better? How does each of these environments look? Which workloads are created by using SaaS, PaaS and IaaS services? We’ll take all of this into account when we design your individual cloud.


Here’s where it gets serious: As soon as we’ve set up your cloud environment, we’ll define project milestones and success criteria. From the theory grows a detailed roadmap that leads you step-by-step to your individual cloud solution. Not a single aspect of the implementation process is forgotten: From cost transparency and licensing to time management and employee training—leave it to us.



Cloud implemented, so goodbye? Not with us! We are your partner for all questions, requests and adjustments around your selected cloud solution.


Want to make changes to your cloud services? Want to expand on what you have? Questions about how to use your new IT? No problem. Our skilled service and customer success managers and their teams are by your side. Because your satisfaction is at the heart of what we do.


Our approach

We offer continuous, monthly service and customer success management. To make your business fit for the cloud in every way and to keep it that way, you’ll also benefit from our tailored training and extensive consultation services.

Cloud Insys Multicloud-Integration im Unternehmen

"Bechtle is our perfect partner for the implementation of future digitalisation projects in the European market."


– Bernd Schöppl, INSYS –


"We understood our customer’s wishes from the beginning, correctly estimated their readiness for change and together, took an important step towards the future."


– Philipp Dumhard, Account Manager, Bechtle –

Cloud Insys Multicloud-Integration im Unternehmen

"We understood our customer’s wishes from the beginning, correctly estimated their readiness for change and together, took an important step towards the future."


– Philipp Dumhard Account Manager, Bechtle –

Begin your own
success story with Bechtle!
Get ready for the future and make an appointment to plan an assessment.

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Cloud Insys Multicloud-Integration im Unternehmen