Bechtle shows international growth in third quarter.
Bechtle AG’s business development remained under pressure in the third quarter against an ongoing tough economic backdrop. Regionally, the picture varies with the Bechtle Group’s most important markets—Germany and France—continuing to be dominated by uncertainty and a reluctance to invest, particularly in the B2B segment.
In other European countries, however, Bechtle enjoyed considerable organic growth. Overall, business volume was slightly below the previous year at -1.1 per cent, but revenue went up 2.2 per cent to €1,511.3 m. At €78.6 m, earnings before taxes (EBT) were significantly below the previous year’s €93.9 m. The EBT margin also declined from a very good 6.3 per cent to 5.2 per cent. On 30 September 2024, Bechtle employed 15,608 staff, which is 768 people more year-on-year.
A share in the future.
With more than 100 IT system houses and IT e-commerce companies in 14 countries, Bechtle is close to its customers and one of Europe’s leading IT companies. Moreover, Bechtle boasts a worldwide network of partners that caters to the needs of customers that operate around the globe. Founded in 1983, the Bechtle Group is headquartered in Neckarsulm, Germany, and currently has more than 15,500 employees. Bechtle accompanies its 70,000+ customers from the fields of industry and trade, the public sector and the financial market in their digital transformation and offers a comprehensive, cross-vendor portfolio of IT infrastructure and IT operation solutions. Bechtle is listed on the MDAX and TecDAX indexes. In 2023, its revenue amounted to €6.42 billion.
Reasons to invest in Bechtle.
Sustainable Business Model.
Financial Stability.
Entrepreneurial behaviour.
Constantly Growing Dividends.
Decentralised Structure.
Anchor Shareholder.
Video of the CEO | Financial year in figures | Sustainability | Employees
Invitation | Address by the Executive Board | Presentation | Articles of Association | Voting Results
Corporate Governance Statement | Declaration of Conformity | Director's Dealings