Thomas Mitzka

As a six-year-old growing up on the Baltic Sea coast, Thomas Mitzka dreamt about becoming an oceanographer. Out at sea. Red bobble hat pulled down over his ears. Watching the fish. He came close to making that childhood dream a reality while studying oceanography, collecting oceanographic sea data for research into climate change during expeditions across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The physics and maths involved in this job brought him little joy, though, but he learned that everyone can learn anything. It was this willingness to always learn something new and meet challenges head on that eventually brought Thomas to Bechtle. “I think it was a logical consequence that I would end up at an IT company. This is where everything comes together,” says the 58-year-old.

Despite all the changes, the good ship Bechtle is holding a straight course and this is extremely positive.

“Everyone can learn anything.”

He’d already had a brush with IT during his university research days, programming his own software to collect and analyse his ocean data. With the IT industry booming at the end of the 90s, he made the switch to a small system house working with maritime customers before developing corporate IT training concepts. He then founded and managed his own business for 18 years before coming across a Bechtle job ad. “I was immediately drawn by Bechtle’s passionate vision and wanted to be involved in its digital transformation so I could be part of greater change, leave a bigger mark. It sounded like a fantastic challenge,” says Thomas.

Even after just a few weeks working in Clouds Portfolio Management, it was clear “I had made the right choice.” He loved the atmosphere, the possibilities and the way individuals are appreciated. Starting out with AWS, Google, Microsoft and other tech partners soon became part of his day-to-day business.

“I’m at home here.”

He was still in his probationary period when he and his wife decided to make the move from Hamburg to the Neckarsulm area. “Culturally speaking, it was a huge change, but I didn’t want to work remotely. At first, it was like we were on holiday with the vineyards and River Neckar on our doorstep, the peace and quiet and the tweeting birds.”

It wasn’t long before a decision had to be made about the next step. Thomas decided to take on the role of team lead for the Partner and Portfolio Management department and take part in the Bechtle JuMP leadership programme—more out of interest than necessity. Most participants use the programme to guide them on their journey towards future leadership roles, but Thomas saw it as an opportunity to “reflect on yourself and understand your own path.”

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Careers at Bechtle 

Scrutinise and optimise.

How does the job now compare to being self-employed? Thomas very much appreciates the freedom to be creative on a canvas within a set frame. He was previously always being held back by something such as finding new employees, but now he can focus more on what he enjoys most—growing the business. Not just with manufacturers, but within his team.

At least once year, Thomas likes to take a step back and reassess structures, roles and processes. “We are constantly scrutinising and optimising what we do,” says Thomas, the very embodiment of calm. He learned to keep calm in tough conditions while out at sea and he is trying to teach his team the same. Thankfully, the winds are set fair. “Despite all the changes, the good ship Bechtle is holding a straight course and this is extremely positive,” he explains.


Careers at Bechtle