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Jamf – The standard in managing and securing Apple at work.

An all-in-one solution for device management, user identity and protection.


With a growing number of companies offering their employees a choice when it comes to the tools they work with, the demand for Apple device continues unabated. For every Apple device deployed, companies must also ensure that their staff have secure access to the resources they require, give their IT departments a management solution that meets the demands of the modern world of work and provide reassurance that devices and data are always protected.


MANAGE devices

  • Zero-touch deployment
  • Mobile device management (MDM)
  • App management
  • Inventory management
  • Self-service – Custom app catalogue



SECURE end devices and network access

  • Identity and access management
  • End device protection
  • Threat prevention
  • Internet content filters
  • Zero-trust network access (ZTNA)


Manage devices – Jamf Pro

Jamf Pro is a comprehensive Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution that covers every step of lifecycle management to allow businesses to easily manage thousands of devices from a central location. Compared to other Mac management solution providers, Jamf Pro offers more features, configuration options and compatibility meaning users get access to the resources, apps and services they need to work productively.

Protect devices

Apple has developed one of the toughest, out-of-the-box-ready security platforms on the market, however, with the rapid spread and acceptance of Apple in business, the devices are an attractive target for determined attackers.

Jamf offers true zero-trust network access (ZTNA) ensuring security controls extend far beyond the network boundaries of the office and transform the modern workplace experience. Jamf connects users with their apps and protects their devices by detecting mobile threats and preventing zero-day phishing attacks while also ensuring end device compliance and antivirus requirements by preventing malware.

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 Jamf Connect

Identify, authentication and zero-trust network access (ZTNA).

With just one set of cloud-based ID login credentials, Mac users can easily authenticate themselves on their Macs and mobile devices to access resources. Want to help your users work more productive with just one password and one identity to access everything they need? Looking to replace outdated enterprise VPN and conditional access workflows? Look no further for the best solution for Apple and non-Apple devices than Jamf Connect.





Jamf Protect

End device security, mobile threat defence, content filtering and data use policies.

Implement Jamf Protect to deliver uncompromising protection for users, devices and corporate data from security threats. You’ll also gain insights into the content accessed by corporate devices and the volume of mobile data used to help you roll out data usage policies and block access to unwanted content.





Jamf Executive Threat Prevention

Mobile threat detection

Mobile device management (MDM) lays the foundation to ensure that devices are properly configured, while comprehensive endpoint protection and mobile threat defence prevents malware, phishing, ransomware and more. However, there are vulnerabilities that sophisticated hackers will try and exploit to compromise devices.


Jamf Executive Threat Protection’s advanced detection and response features provide efficient remote methods for detecting incidents or activities on mobile devices as well as the tool required to respond.


Manage and protect Apple with Jamf

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