Nadia Tudo Cubells. Photo: Joseph Kleindl

Nadia, how did you come to join Sustainability Management at Bechtle? 

I wanted to write my master thesis about sustainability. Some acquaintances from swimming told me about a vacant position at Bechtle and I applied. I must have made an impact, because I was allowed to start as a vocational student right away and was offered a position as sustainability manager after my studies.

What are your main tasks as a sustainability manager? 
Simply put, my team and I identify sustainability loopholes in the company and find ways to close them. My focus currently lies on the management and exchange with the international sustainability community at Bechtle. I’m also working on a maturity model that has its roots in my master thesis. We are developing a rating system for all Bechtle companies to measure their sustainability level and make them comparable.

Besides working for Bechtle you are also focussed on your successful swimming career. How do you manage to do both? 

It’s not always easy, but working part-time I can fit some training in, in the mornings and the evenings. I’m also lucky to be reporting to someone who gives me the flexibility I need.

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How does your swimming career affect your work at Bechtle? 

When it comes to sports and my career, I’m a perfectionist. I always give my all, to achieve whatever goal I set myself.

What makes you interested in sustainability? 

Sustainability has always been a crucial topic for me, and one that I dealt with intensively during the pandemic. This increased my interest, and made me ask myself, why is the topic so overlooked, why doesn’t everyone know about this and why is no one taking action? I just knew that this is a future-facing field that I want to dedicate my career to. 

I always give my all, to achieve whatever goal I set myself. 

Nadia Tudo Cubells

Which qualities in a person do you think are important to make a change? 

I’ve learned that persistence and patience are decisive for sensitising people to a topic and getting them interested. This is not only on a personal level, but goes for work in the sustainability community too.

What’s next for you, work-wise and in your personal life? 

At the moment, the Olympic Games 2024 are on my mind. After those, I want to focus on my job more. I’ve yet to find out what will happen in the long term, but one thing is clear, sustainability and intercultural exchange are the things I want to do in the future.

We are sure that you will find new great goals. Good luck at the Olympic Games and thank you for the interview.