
A few years ago, Regiobank Solothurn AG started on sustainable renovations, with it all rounded off using digital elements on the buildings’ façade and windows to create a whole new customer experience.


An overarching concept for the digitalisation of Regiobank’s signage displays and conference rooms was developed. At the entrance, on the exterior wall and in the windows, Samsung’s digital signage displays deliver exceptional picture quality, high resolution, vivid colours and exceptional visibility even in bad lighting conditions. Bechtle then equipped the Regiobank’s meeting rooms with Samsung FLIPs and Evoko room management systems to allow interactive presentations and collaborative working as well as projectors and screens for larger events and presentations.

With Bechtle, we have been able to create a modern and customer-centric environment at our Regiobank branches. The new digital signage solutions in the public areas, windows and meeting rooms are the perfect fit for our new, modern look. Bechtle was involved in the planning from the beginning so that all of our wishes could be implemented. Installation and commissioning were on schedule so there was nothing standing in our way of reopening our doors after the renovation. A truly fantastic achievement.

Benjamin Tschumi, Head of Real Estate & Recovery, Regiobank Solothurn AG
Benjamin Tschumi

Business Benefits.

The digital elements underscore the bank’s new modern design, the digital signage displays enable a more dynamic and targeted way to address customers while the modern meeting room equipment promotes digital presentations and ultimately, communication.

Regiobank Solothurn from inside
Regiobank Solothurn from outside


