
360° managed backup control for secure data backups.

Maintaining backup copies of your business data is absolutely essential. However, this eats into your IT staff’s valuable time when they could be working on more strategic projects.

Why not simply outsource the time-intensive task of monitoring backups and resolving issues?

Bechtle 360° backup control will do it for you. Our Service Desk receives daily reports that enable staff to identify any problems. Any backup issues are immediately resolved by one of our technicians.

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Benefits for you:

  • No administrative work for backups
  • Our Service Desk reviews all backup reports
  • Issues are immediately resolved by our experts
  • Your IT staff is able to devote their time to more strategic projects
  • Support for all popular backup tools such as Backup Excec, Veeam, vRanger and more

A partner you can trust.

We’ve been providing mid-size businesses and large companies tailored IT solutions for over 20 years. As a long-term business partner of numerous vendors, we boast over 6,900 certifications, including Microsoft Gold and Silver status, Cisco Premier Partner status and much more.

Would you like an expert consultation?

Contact us now for a no-obligation exchange.

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