Cloud Security Bechtle

Cloud security -
For peace of mind in the cloud.

Companies using cloud-based resources are faced with the challenge of protecting their solution against unauthorised access. The way to go often depends on the type of service they source from the cloud, such as Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service, or Software as a Service. While cloud providers may offer certain security features as part of the package, they still need to be configured and rarely cover all the bases.

A security-aware cloud strategy has to take all of the following issues and solutions into account:

  • Automation
  • Infrastructure operations
  • Security as a Service
  • User satisfaction

Reasons to switch to the cloud:

Faster scalability.

Better access.

Enhanced security.

Less admin.

Lower costs.

One of the biggest challenges of cloud security is providing safe access by leveraging identity and access management.

Christian Grusemann
Business Manager IT-Security

Ready-made SaaS service applications from established cloud providers are now in common use in many areas. However, if a company moves its infrastructure including all its critical applications and personal data from its own data centre, everything becomes much more complex and sensitive. IT departments get nervous when core assets are transferred to an external provider, which is why the topic of cloud security has grown in importance. Businesses have the choice between very different cloud solutions and approaches.

IT needs to have a holistic security concept that covers cloud security and compliance so that nothing gets forgotten – neither functional requirements, long-term strategic benefits nor the necessary security and integrity of cloud infrastructures and applications. IT admins who want to rebuild their infrastructure from the ground up in the cloud, such as with IaaS and PaaS models, require a much more complex cloud strategy as a user pre-configured SaaS solution. Large parts of the security concept are then the responsibility of the company, but cloud computing offers many more opportunities than it does risks. Bechtle is by your side during the entire cloud migration process and beyond.

Cloud environments

Bechtle helps you secure your know-how –

No matter if in a private, public or hybrid cloud architecture.

Many cloud environments, regardless of the cloud solution they are based on, have the same security requirements as on-premise IT architecture. High level security concerns such as the unauthorised disclosure of data, data leaks, ineffectual access controls, susceptibility to attacks and effects on availability are as much a question for traditional IT as they are for cloud systems. Just as is the case with every on-premise solution, suitable preventative measures need to be in place when using the cloud.

While many people understand the benefits of cloud computing, they are equally put off by the security threats. Bechtle understands cloud security requirements and always has one eye on the solutions to match them.

New forms of IT infrastructure make it difficult to imagine how it is possible to secure applications and IT infrastructure in the cloud. In a dynamic environment characterised by constant changes due to scalability and flexibility, it’s important to be able to leverage technologies to quickly adapt security.

The answer? Bechtle has the innovative concepts and solutions for exactly these requirements, Which also means companies and organisations can feel much more secure using the cloud for their infrastructure. We’ll help you minimise the risks of cloud computing.

What is cloud security and Security-as-a-Service?

Cloud security has many different faces. Much like in a customer’s IT security structure, the end devices, applications, network transitions, identities and also passwords also have to be secured. To do so, there are other security technologies in play. The cloud is a closed environment that cannot be interfered with meaning that security features have to be implemented through a cloud access security broker interface.

Data traffic is analysed and monitored, a malware analysis carried out or regulated for data outflow via a DLP solution, which means that internal security mechanisms can be extended into external cloud architectures.

Cloud users can procures these mechanisms as a Security-as-a-Service. Security-as-a-Service (SECaaS) means that Bechtle takes on the implementation and permanent maintenance of security solutions for cloud environments as a specialised provider, covering everything from security policies to administration of the cloud application and infrastructure. Customers benefit from Bechtle’s expertise and save internal labour and costs.

cloud data protection

Bechtle is by your side, battling the risks of cloud computing.
For cloud data protection.

The IT department often feel like they lack complete control over all infrastructure components when they are in the cloud. High compliance demands and the fear related to handing over central components to someone else make many businesses cautious. One of the biggest dangers of cloud use are gateways that allow sensitive data or trade secrets to fall into the wrong hands. Audits consistently show that companies’ cloud security architectures are not well-configured and, in fact, hide security risks. Bechtle offers professional support to check and optimise these architectures.

Data protection in the Cloud

Data protection in the cloud is crucial. Data protection requirements can mean that IT admins think twice about hosting or processing sensitive data in the cloud, because that would mean external contracting partners with multiple, sometimes internationally-located servers coming in between the company and their customers. Bechtle not only helps to develop a cloud strategy tailored to individual customers, but also in operational implementation and selecting the correct security architecture, with a focus on:

  1. 1. Flexibility and scalability
  2. 2. Automation
  3. 3. Operation

Bechtle helps its customers to choose the right cloud model to suit their specific needs, to define and implement the necessary security measures and also effect the compliance requirements the company needs to take into consideration. Thanks to the vast number of successfully completed cloud and cloud security projects, Bechtle has the expertise you need to meet your cloud security needs.

Cloud Computing & Security

Cloud computing and security:

Cloud computing is the key driver of digitalisation, but security experts are constantly discovering incorrectly, configured systems and security gaps in enterprise cloud applications. The biggest danger isn’t normally from a lack of encryption or scattered cloud architecture, or technical issues that lead to data being lost and cyberattacks. In fact, it’s user error that’s the biggest threat. Cloud security can also be borne out in people’s minds as well as in the rules laid out in companies. Files and entire folders shared with other users without access restrictions are among the most common threats associated with cloud services. Convenience, habits and individual departments’ specific requirements often lead to businesses having to cope with shadow IT. It’s the case in nearly all companies that that there are far more cloud services being used than the IT department knows about. IT can minimise these risks with a homogenous cloud strategy that covers all requirements through adequate applications and sets clear rules. As a cloud user, the IT department can grab the opportunity with without exposing the company to additional danger. Bechtle analyses your IT for unwanted cloud applications before working with you to develop concepts to secure your cloud services. With Bechtle. We’ve got you covered.

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