
Our client‘s field of activity is a challenge in itself! FHVI‘s IT systems could not possibly have to be shut down, as the health sector does not and cannot wait for interruptions. „We have 24/24 RTO and SLA constraints,“ explains Philippe Vuagniaux.
We were coming to the end of the maintenance period for our old solutions and had reached the end of our capacity. We also wanted to move away from tape-based storage and have a single storage solution. So we launched an invitation to tender. It was an open call for tenders in terms of technologies; we wanted the partner to be able to bring its expertise to bear and offer us a solution that was adapted to our needs, based on its knowledge and experience,“ emphasises Philippe Vuagniaux.
The aim of our Experts was therefore to put forward a proposal to replace the infrastructure and modernise the process and the way in which it was approached.

The solution.

Our proposal was to implement the Veeam Back Up & Replication solution based on a Dell ECS object storage solution.
Based on our experience and expertise in data protection, our customer‘s needs for performance, resilience, security, scalability and advanced functionality, the combination of the Veeam Back Up & Replication solution with Dell ECS and PowerEdge technology was an obvious choice for us.
We then initiated this project based on our Best Practices, firstly defining the architecture of the new infrastructure based on the needs expressed by our customer. Our Solution Architect also carried out a detailed analysis of the different service levels. This was followed by a phase of defining the technical architecture file covering all aspects of this major project, from the implementation of solutions to the finalisation of the migration. Finally, our experts began the post-project support that continues to this day, to support the FHVI IT team in the phases of change, evolution or simply support for the maintenance of best practices on their environments.
„The proposal put forward by the Bechtle teams made all the difference, both in terms of its innovative nature and the fact that the solution enabled us to really control and anticipate costs. The Bechtle experts are very effective and have a great command of the technologies, but above all they listen, understand and take into account our specific needs and business requirements. Their experience in deploying
solutions makes all the difference, and Bechtle‘s level of certification tops it all off,“ notes Philippe Vuagniaux.

A long-standing relationship with the Bechtle teams, resulting in mutual trust. The quality of their advice, support and implementation is faultless, and they are a trusted partner that we can call on for all our needs, enabling us to successfully complete this large-scale project and benefit from an infrastructure based on an architecture that is future-proof, reliable, predictive and scalable.

Philippe Vuagniaux, Head of IT support and operations


„This new solution for managing our back-ups is faster, more flexible, simpler, more reliable, more transportable and therefore now accessible at all times,“ explains Philippe Vuagniaux.
„One of the major advantages is that we can use fairly standard storage technologies and benefit from long-term object storage. The Bechtle teams helped us set up the technical components of our infrastructure supporting the Veeam solution, as well as implementing our policy. We were then ready to carry out our migration ourselves,“ explains Philippe Vuagniaux. „What‘s more, we kept in regular contact with Bechtle‘s experts to discuss any pitfalls we encountered, find solutions together and then carry out our final migration,“ continues Philippe Vuagniaux.
„Another important advantage is the notion of scale-out enabled by the ECS part, as well as the scalability of our system. We can now quickly and easily add new components to our infrastructure, with complete flexibility and without service interruption. What‘s more, this architecture gives us redundancy before replication, while also benefiting from the cluster concept, which means we can carry out maintenance on our systems while continuing to operate normally,“ confides Philippe Vuagniaux.
„As far as our users are concerned, we are also seeing a number of advantages, particularly for restoring messaging elements, which is legally essential in the context of our activities. As far as our IT team is concerned, there have been a number of positive changes. We can now hold our maintenance windows as part of our activities, performance is always there and we are now able to centralise all our backups in Veeam solutions. We have also been able to integrate Microsoft 365 backups into this infrastructure, enabling us to benefit from a copy of our data on our internal cloud, a crucial point for us given the sensitivity of our area of activity,“ concludes Philippe Vuagniaux.
