In a short time, 20 bags of rubbish were filled with a range of items from crisp packets, drink bottles, and cigarette packets, to bags of clothes, carpets, and car parts. It was not just the Bechtle staff that were enthusiastic on the cleaning mission, we felt a huge sense of community when employees from other companies came out to support us and took some of the bigger items from us to put in their skip. Larger items such as TV’s, car seats, furniture and chemical substances were reported to the local authority as fly tipping, ready for safe removal. 

Litter picking is hugely important, not only for humanity and making our surroundings clean and tidy, but also for the environment and our beloved wildlife too. Waste, in particular plastic, suffocates, disables and kills thousands of animals each year. It’s not only an eyesore in the local community, but it’s also dirty and can cause nasty toxins that are harmful to both humans and to the planet. In fact, according to a report by Keep Britain Tidy, more than 2.25 million pieces of litter are dropped on the streets of the UK every day, costing over £1 billion a year to clean up.

That being said, none of us want to live in a world that is uncared for and causing our wildlife, environment and us to suffer. So, whether it’s one bag or ten, picking up litter helps to reduce these problems and may hopefully inspire others to take part.

Everyone who took part in the clean-up fully embraced the mission and thoroughly enjoyed it, leaving feeling fulfilled and with the feeling that they had all made a difference, and looking forward to doing it all again!

The litter picking mission was a great success, but it doesn’t stop there. We are now joining forces with the Brackmills BID sustainability team and Wiltshire Council to continue making a difference in our local areas. We are really excited for our upcoming projects together, one of which is “World Clean-up Day” on the 20th of September, where all the Bechtle offices will be taking part in a bid to maintain our environment as something to be proud of.

Bechtle Sustainability Squad