Bechtle’s Solution

As a Microsoft Gold Volume Licensing partner, Bechtle was able to offer the services of one of its Microsoft licencing specialists - providing active advice and support to GA Solicitors to ensure that the review process was completed with confidence, ease and clarity. Bechtle’s licencing team provided an optimisation workflow that offered a 4-stage consultation, reviewing aspects within GA Solicitors such as:


  • Licence management processes and business strategy
  • Licence discovery assessment (via MS)
  • Licence optimisation advise and software implementation
  • methods
  • Licence output review


Bechtle provided support with challenges that Microsoft had presented and advised on how to present data back to Microsoft with concise explanations as to the use of software on the estate. Without this support, there was a significant risk of GA Solicitors purchasing above its requirement simply because of the ambiguous structure of the Microsoft review. Bechtle supported GA with the interpretation of Microsoft terminology and new licencing models that impacted their licence deployment options. The focus throughout this engagement was to optimise existing software and to support some of the more challenging requests from Microsoft which resulted in a fair and true compliant state for the business.


The Benefits

The benefits to GA Solicitors of working with Bechtle on the review were clear. With Bechtle assessing the data, GA Solicitors was presented with a reduction in the cost of achieving software compliance due to a lower required commitment. The relationship built between Bechtle and GA Solicitors during this engagement has resulted in a continued partnership with support now being provided for other areas of the business.