Bechtle introduces Sustainability Strategy 2030
- Strategic objectives and concrete measures create transparency
- Bechtle aims to be carbon-neutral by 2030
With a sustainable future in mind, the Bechtle group have set out a number of economic, environmental and social aspects and brought together strategic objectives with concrete measures.
Bechtle began taking a systematic approach to sustainability in 2011, and has been publishing all activities in an annual Sustainability Report for six years. The Bechtle Sustainability Strategy 2030 builds on the organisation’s previous achievements and adds new and ambitious goals for the future. At its heart are four strategic areas of action—ethical business practices, people, environment, and digital future—each with three associated focal points and strategic goals.
In a similar vein, Bechtle has developed a Sustainability Programme, defining milestones and actions, enabling progress to be consistently tracked and measures to be adjusted as and when this becomes necessary. The list of aspirations includes Bechtle’s objective to become carbon neutral in areas it can influence by 2030, which the company aims to achieve through a triad of prevention, reduction, and compensation.
“Our Sustainability Strategy 2030 is an expression of our corporate responsibility towards both our stakeholders and our shareholders. At the same time, it is a clear commitment to looking the full ecological, environmental and social impact of our activities in the face. All objectives and measures have been chosen to underpin our strive for being genuine as a company, to retain our credibility, and to stay successful for years to come,” says Dr Thomas Olemotz, CEO, Bechtle AG.
The four strategic areas of action can be mapped to the three pillars of sustainable development—environmental, social, and economic—and directly correlate with Bechtle’s business activities and the specific sustainability factors that are relevant to the group. There’s no hierarchy to them, nor are they isolated from one another. Each area of action is as important as the next, with the company also focusing on upstream and downstream supply chains.
The Bechtle Sustainability Strategy 2030 has been developed over the course of the past twelve months. Extensive analysis laid the foundation for a collaborative effort that saw stakeholders from the Bechtle Group’s own ranks strategise in a number of dedicated workshops. This means that even upon its introduction, the strategy is already well embedded across the organisation.
“Our Sustainability Strategy shows us a way forward, it puts us on a good track and ensures transparency and orientation along the way—both within our organisation and for those watching us from outside,” explains Dr Thomas Olemotz.
More information on bechtle.com/sustainability
About Bechtle:
Bechtle AG is one of Europe’s leading IT providers, with some 80 system houses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well 24 as e-commerce subsidiaries in 14 European countries. Founded in 1983, the company is headquartered in the southern German town of Neckarsulm and currently employs over 12,000 people. Bechtle provides more than 70,000 customers from the industrial, trade, financial and public sectors with a comprehensive, vendor-neutral portfolio that covers all aspects of IT infrastructure and operation. Bechtle is listed on the MDAX and TecDAX indexes. In 2020, the company generated revenues of around 5.82 billion euros. Read more at: bechtle.com