Artificial intelligence – Challenges and opportunities.
More and more companies are investing in artificial intelligence (AI) to help them gain a competitive advantage by improving services, making information available more quickly and implementing new business models. But the clock is ticking: 80% of companies have already invested in AI1 and this number will only increase. According to McKinsey2, 39 billion dollars was invested globally in the technology in 2016. Companies that do not take the necessary steps now will be left by the wayside.
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What are the advantages of AI?
The opportunities for using artificial intelligence are vast, and all are based on information, or data, and analysing it. AI can...
- Analyse and supply large amounts of data in a short space of time (big data)
- Quickly recognise and react to objects and situations (e.g. in traffic or for crime prevention)
- Make inferences about the future based on data and similar situations (e.g. in healthcare, for device maintenance, and in insurance)
And even if artificial intelligence mostly does what we can already do as humans, it’s certainly much more efficient. AI can easily find two matching pieces of data in a group of a billion, while a human would find this both overwhelming and impossible in a realistic time-frame.
What are the economic benefits of artificial intelligence?
Capgemini provides insights on the real-life benefits of AI in their study “Turning AI into concrete value: the successful implementers’ toolkit”3:
- 2930% increase in sales leads experienced by Harley Davidson in three months
- 20% improvement in emission value of Siemens’ gas turbines
- 35% improvement in customer service efficiency at KLM
Machine Learning or Deep Learning?
What is machine learning? What does deep learning mean?
Business opportunities.
Artificial intelligence sounds very attractive to many companies, even if they’re not really sure how and where to use it. But in reality, it can be used in so many ways that it can be useful in practically all scenarios.
Areas AI could be used in:
- Connected Car: Driverless cars would never have got off the drawing board without deep learning.
- Traffic engineering: Traffic jams can be predicted faster and stolen cars more quickly found thanks to artificial intelligence.
- Aerospace: From satellite detection to aviation technology, deep learning is playing an increasingly important role.
- Industry: Occupational safety is increased by identifying potential hazards early enough.
- Smart Home and communication: It won't be long before AI is managing buildings and numerous every day processes at home and in the office.
Perhaps you already have an idea of how and where you’d like to use AI or where artificial Intelligence could be useful in tackling or simplifying certain processes. Get in touch. We’ll be happy to advise you on the products that are right for you, whether that's finished products we already have in stock or a fully tailored solution.
Many solutions – One goal.
Interpret all forms of data with IBM Watson.
Use a range of tools to develop the AI platform your enterprise needs.
An autonomous data centre is reliable, highly available and saves time, money and a lot of stress.