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    2699,00 €

    Preço ilíquido: 3319,77 € incl. 620,77 € IVAexcl.

    Entrega prevista para 24. julho.

    Nº de produto:

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    BarTender Enterprise Edition ensures secure, centralized control and compliance across multiple locations. Ideal for regulated industries, it simplifies label management and data integrity. Automated printing integrated with SAP and Oracle reduces errors and boosts efficiency. Security features ensure compliance with regulations. Enhance operations with tools for management, workflow automation, and disaster recovery. Choose BarTender Enterprise for a streamlined, secure labeling solution.

    Seagull BarTender Enterprise Application License + 3 Printers (includes 1 Year of Standard Maintenance & Support)

    Arquitectura32/64 bit
    Idioma do produtoTcheco, Dinamarquês, Alemão, Inglês, Espanhol, Finlandês, Francês, Italiano, Neerlandês, Polonês, Russo, Sueco, Turco
    Sistema operativoWindows
    TipoLicença, vitalícia
    Utilizador1 - 999999