DAAS Mobile Whitepaper
Mobile phones for business purposes are increasingly becoming an employee benefit. Now that working flexibly is becoming more commonplace, mobile phones for business are often essential. If you handle your mobile phone policy well, then you can boost employee satisfaction and productivity. Opt for mobile devices in a Device as a Service model. This relieves your IT department of work concerning device management and support while ensuring that your employees can enjoy the newest and fastest devices.
Would you like to know how DAAS Mobile increases employee satisfaction and productivity?
Download the free Whitepaper
Among a range of other things, this Whitepaper explains:
✓ What DAAS Mobile is
✓ What the benefits are for the IT department and end users
✓ How DAAS Mobile contributes to higher employee satisfaction and productivity
Download whitepaper
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Device as a Service by Bechtle is part of the Just press play solutions: practical solutions that can be used straightaway in day-to-day business operations. Our main goal is to support our customers in doing what they’re good at.
We offer you a comprehensive solution and help you make IT choices that let you focus on the things that really matter.
Device as a Service by Bechtle is part of the Just press play solutions: practical solutions that can be used straightaway in day-to-day business operations. Our main goal is to support our customers in doing what they’re good at.
We offer you a comprehensive solution and help you make IT choices that let you focus on the things that really matter.