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    Subs. Honeywell OpIntel Pro Software 5Y

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    180,99 €

    Preço ilíquido: 222,62 € incl. 41,63 € IVAexcl.

    Entrega prevista para 23. julho.

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    With Honeywell Operational Intelligence Professional software, you can keep track of your Honeywell equipment, gain valuable insights into its usage patterns and coordinate maintenance and replacement cycles. Save yourself unnecessary losses in productivity or time and optimise your scanning, printing and communication workflows. Other highlights: - Localisation of lost devices - Early recognition of damage via analysis of the drop rate - Early warning system and reminder function for cleaning and replacement cycles - Monitoring of network connections, software problems, hardware damage and battery failure Subscription valid for 60 months for 1 device. Please note: Please refer to the Device Support Matrix for the supported functions of each device.

    Subs. Honeywell OpIntel Pro Software 5Y

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