Open Clouds for Research Environments (OCRE)

Open Clouds for Research Environments (OCRE).


Securely develop and deploy solutions to Microsoft Azure with the Bechtle cloud.

Project OCRE was launched by the pan-European organisation GÉANT with the aim of accelerating cloud adoption within the European research community by establishing framework agreements so that institutions and companies across 40 European countries can start their cloud journey with minimal effort.

Cloud solutions for education

We help you transform your institution so you can transform the learning experience you provide. Read more about it in our whitepaper.


Cloud solutions for research

Redesign your IT base to deliver scientific breakthroughs at speed and scale. Find out more in our whitepaper.


Cloud solutions for education

We help you transform your institution so you can transform the learning experience you provide. Read more about it in our whitepaper.


Cloud solutions for research

Redesign your IT base to deliver scientific breakthroughs at speed and scale. Find out more in our whitepaper.


The Bechtle & Azure OCRE cloud promise.

Security Icon


Leverage Azure to easily bolster your security status without high costs so that you can quickly identify threats and protect yourself.

Save money icon


Azure is up to five times cheaper than comparable cloud solutions. Make savings on existing licences and benefit from extended security updates when migrating to Azure.

Data Protection Icon

Compliance and data protection.

Benefit from a team of experts and proactive compliance. Data protection always comes first.


Globe Icon

Global cloud provider.

Microsoft offers you more global regions than any other cloud provider. You benefit from advice and access to IaaS, PaaS and SaaS technologies from Western European data centres in Amsterdam and Dublin –guaranteed.

Star Icon

Trusted cloud service.

Organisations around the world value Microsoft Azure’s most trusted cloud service for enterprise and hybrid infrastructures including 95% of all Fortune 500 companies.

Tailored Solutins

Individual hybrid solutions.

Azure enables the seamless operation of hybrid solutions that fit right in to what you are doing.

Bechtle and Microsoft partnership.

Bechtle and Microsoft can look back on a long and successful partnership. Together we develop solutions that make the difference.

Bechtle has 12 Microsoft Gold Partner statuses in all areas with all 70 subsidiaries selling modern workplace and Azure products to some 80,000 customers. More than 600 of our consultants and sales specialists have been trained in Azure and Microsoft 365 to date, and more than 1,700 Microsoft certifications have been gained.

As a new Azure Expert MSP, Bechtle counts as one of Microsoft’s strongest global partners in the implementation of digital transformation projects of the companies’ mutual customers. To achieve the status of Azure Expert MSP, businesses must not only be a Gold Cloud platform partner and take part in the vendor’s Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) programme, but also undergo an independent audit to confirm technical and organisation skills as well as demonstrate successfully implemented and operated customer environments. Bechtle offers a dedicated portfolio of Professional and Managed Services that spans the entire lifecycle of cloud services running on the Azure platform.

The perfect support structure to build a brighter future.

Empowering Education and Research organisations to rearchitect the future with cloud solutions ready to improve your operations and foster innovation.

Shrinking budgets, escalating operating costs and backdated IT infrastructures are slowing down the progress among education and research institutions. While the world outside of the campus is becoming more digitally connected, academia needs to catch up – and rearchitect their infrastructure to be able to keep up in the future.


How to best advance on your mission in times of constant change?

The diversity of cloud capabilities creates an opportunity to employ unique, customised digital solutions catered around your specific needs.

Streamline operations for better performance.

Optimise your architecture to create long term ROI opportunities and bring in agility into your day-to-day operations, while reducing costs.

Design experiences in line with evolving needs.

Support remote and hybrid models of working to drive productivity and better collaboration with faculty, students, partners or other researchers.

Future-proof to continue making impact.

Use digital tools to make your institution more equitable and sustainable and access actionable data to enhance and drive innovation.

Building an agile, scalable and innovation-driven foundation, ready for the future.

At Bechtle, we empower Education and Research organisations to rearchitect the future. By leveraging advanced cloud solutions built upon Microsoft Azure, we help you to set up an IT infrastructure that fosters your impact in building a better tomorrow.


Modern IT Infrastructure.

Benefit from cloud’s agility, scale and flexibility to deliver connected experiences, while reducing infrastructure costs and complexities.

Data and Analytics.

Harness your data to improve decision-making process and to drive innovation, use powerful insights to retain your competitive edge and realise new opportunities.

Security and Compliance.

Set up secure onsite and online environments, safeguard your data with high-grade access authorisation and threat prevention and ensure compliance.

Modern Workplace.

Access cloud-based productivity tools to ease communication and collaboration, boost engagement among staff and support remote working needs in a secure way.

Find out more.

Get in touch with your questions.

Gino van Essen

Your cloud specialist:

Gino van Essen

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Your cloud specialist:

Robin Krimp

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OCRE with Bechtle and Azure.

Smoothing the way to your own data centre.

In the form of a tried and tested process, the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework shows you how to make the switch to the cloud faster with Microsoft Azure. It is designed to help you develop and implement business and technical strategies that are essential for your company to succeed in the cloud. 


Our business can only develop sustainably if we work together. Bechtle has acknowledged its responsibilities by signing up to the UN Global Compact and WIN-Charta initiatives. Bechtle undergoes an annual sustainability audit by EcoVadis and were one again awarded a silver medal in 2019.



By 2025, Microsoft will be using 100% renewable energy and is aiming to be CO2 negative by 2030. For Azure, sustainable data centres and cloud infrastructures are much more than business. They present an opportunity to make a real difference.


The Azure platform product portfolio comprises more than 400 IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services. Azure is a fully-automated cloud platform running in over 60 regions around the world. In addition, Microsoft data centres have over 40 compliance and industry-specific certifications such as C5, TISAX and Baseline IT Security. With two new data centres, Microsoft is offering its services directly from Western Europe, with the company committed to guaranteeing that data and applications remain the responsibility of the customer.


Find out more about Microsoft Azure