
Microsoft Windows 11 Professional for Workstations EN Int 1Pack DVD

Architektúra: 64 bit - Szegmens: Microsoft Corporate - Termék nyelve: Angol - Licencmodell: Microsoft OEM - Operációs rendszer: Windows - Típus: Box Systembuilder - Verzió: 11... több

108 500,00 Ft

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Windows 11 Pro for Workstations delivers the performance you need for the most demanding applications. With fast data processing and storage, a self-repairing file system and support for the next generation of workstations with up to 4 CPUs and 6TB of memory. Designed for projects ranging from intensive graphics work to massive data processing, it handles demanding workloads with server-level security and performance in a snap.

Microsoft Windows 11 Professional for Workstations EN Int 1Pack DVD

Architektúra64 bit
SzegmensMicrosoft Corporate
Termék nyelveAngol
LicencmodellMicrosoft OEM
Operációs rendszerWindows
TípusBox Systembuilder