What needs to be considered when choosing a green UPS?

When considering the question of how to choose a green UPS, there are two elements to consider.

  • The efficiency: this means consumption in the context of UPS operation which converts into output measured in calories. This can be of any size and is, of course, crucial to take into account when choosing a model.
  • The battery and recycling it: batteries are, naturally, a key element of UPS systems core functioning. A battery, by default, is composed of raw materials, primarily lead. A good strategic decision is to choose products with batteries that have a long life cycle and can be more easily recycled.

Green Premium by APC / Schneider Electric – Our mission

Against the backdrop of the political energy situation that’s affecting all industries, IT vendors have a certain role to play in how they design their products—to make them greener.

For APC / Schneider Electric, this translates into various focus areas:

  • A CO2 strategy aiming to limit carbon emissions
  • A deeper commitment to the circular economy with the Certified Circular label and a range of refurbished UPS systems (manufacturer’s warranty, reduced CO2 emissions)
  • The Green Premium label that aims to best meet customers’ changing needs.


The label has three pillars of development:

  • Energy efficiency: power consumption has now been optimised by more than 99% thanks to more efficient and green modes of operation.
  • Removal of dangerous substances: mercury, previously used in products has been eliminated because of its harmful effects on human health and the environment.
  • Eco design: products are made with maximum recyclability and reduction of raw material consumption in mind.

APC / Schneider Electric uses Li-ion batteries to extend their products’ lifecycle

To extend the life span of their products, APC / Schneider Electric has replaced their lead batteries with Li-ion models (two years’ product warranty with lead battery versus 5 years with Li-ion).

“Green Premium is Schneider Electric’s answer to its customers’ needs:

  • Reducing their energy and CO2 footprint
  • Optimising their total cost of ownership with an IoT (Internet of Things) offering together with circular services
  • Protecting people from risks arising from chemical substances

By the end of 2020, at least 75% of our sales will be Green Premium solutions, providing enhanced transparency and environmental benefits. ”

Become part of the UPS circular economy with APC

With products and services bearing the Circular Certified label, Schneider Electric is committing itself to its most sustainable model yet, allowing you too to get involved in the circular economy. Products’ lifecycles have been drastically extended, notably thanks to maintenance work, reuse of components raw materials, repackaging of products, and recycling of metals.

The Circular Certified label enables you to participate in the circular economy with:

  • Option of selling products covered under the circular economy scheme
  • Option to give used components a second life in other products
  • Refurbishing plants in France
  • Exchange and repair services
  • Product collection