All the functions your shopping basket offers explained.
Your shopping basket contains all the products and services you wish to buy. You can easily add products via the product or manufacturer no. directly to your shopping basket and even import product lists as an XLSX file.
Yes. When you're logged in, you can save your current shopping basket as a quote. You can access your quotes under the heading 'Products & Purchasing' in your account. You can print your quote or submit an order at any time.
Of course. Simply open your shopping basket, click on 'ADD ITEMS' and enter one or multiple items separated by commas. You can also add the same product multiple times if you need to assign different cost centres/item notes to each item.
In your shopping basket, click on 'ADD ITEMS'. You can import multiple items into your basket at once using the XLSX template file available via the 'IMPORT ITEMS' drop-down box.