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      Bechtle Helpcenter

      Bechtle Help Centre.

      Addresses, cost centres and payment

      How to manage invoice and shipping addresses, payment methods and cost centres.

      Authorised users can save several invoice addresses under ‘Addresses & Payment’. You can add, modify or delete addresses as required. It is also possible to copy an invoice address to your shipping addresses. Users can select an invoice address from the list during checkout. Default addresses are displayed during the order process, but can be be changed for each order.If you are not authorised, you can only use the address allocated to you during the checkout process.
      Authorised users can save several shipping addresses under ‘Addresses & Payment’. You can add, modify or delete addresses as required. It is also possible to copy a shipping address to your invoice addresses. Users can select a shipping address from the list during checkout. Default addresses are displayed during the order process, but can be be changed for each order. If you are not authorised, you can only use the address allocated to you during the checkout process.
      Cost centres can be assigned to users, orders and individual order items. You can create multiple cost centres at once by separating names with a comma. Note that cost centre names must be unique.You can find your cost centres under the heading 'Addresses & Payment' in your account.
      Authorised users can select their default payment method for orders under ‘My user’ > ‘Checkout defaults’.
      We offer up to three payment methods. These are: Invoice, PayPal and credit card. Payment by invoice will be approved once checks against our in-house criteria have been carried out. You can see which payment methods are available to you when you are logged in.