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      Stampante 300 dpi Honeywell PD4500B Icon

      Tecnologia di stampa: termica diretta, trasferimento termico - Risoluzione di stampa (fino a): 300 dpi - Larghezza etichette (fino a): 114 mm - Porte: USB... altro

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      The PD45 range has far more to offer than its robustness, compactness, durability and a sleek design. The unit consists of a full metal frame construction and has a large glass window where the user can view the status of the printer and consumables. A side opening makes it convenient for ribbon and paper loading. It also features an advanced industrial print head that supports both direct thermal and thermal transfer printing. The industrial label printer is suitable for various applications such as manufacturing, retail, transport and logistics, healthcare and government. Power supply: No AC adapter! Icon Model Highlights: - Ergonomic design makes print head easy to change and replace - Easy to replace and clean the rubber roller - Double media guide for accurate paper feeding. Also helps prevent wrinkles in the ribbon and smudges when printing - Dual sensor positioning technology supports a dynamic positioning function that ensures a minimum label height of 5 mm and a vertical positioning accuracy of 0.75 mm We recommend: Other interesting model available (e.g. cutter, RFID...)! Please note: Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

      Stampante 300 dpi Honeywell PD4500B Icon

      Tipo di prodottostampante per etichette industriale
      Garanzia del produttore1 anno Bring-In (per ulteriori dettagli vedi sito del produttore)
      Tecnologia di stampatermica diretta, trasferimento termico
      EmulazioneDP, DPL, IPL, XML, ZPLII, ZSim II
      Velocità di stampa (mm/sec.)100 mm/sec.
      Risoluzione di stampa (fino a)300 dpi
      Larghezza di stampa mm (fino a)105,7 mm
      Memoria128 MB
      eMMC128 MB
      Elaborazione media
      Larghezza etichette (fino a)114 mm
      Caratteristiche fisiche
      Diametro esterno del rullo80 mm
      Diametro interno del rullo25,4 mm
      Dimensioni (La x A x P)249 x 270 x 438 mm
      Particolaritàilluminazione LED blu, Real Time Clock

      Accessori Stampante 300 dpi Honeywell PD4500B Icon