EPOS IMPACT 400 Headset

Make yourself heard on any call with the EPOS IMPACT 400 headsets for hybrid workers that deliver value for money.

€ 63,99
      • EPOS IMPACT 430T Mono Headset
        EPOS IMPACT 430T Mono Headset
        Country variant: Europe
        Application: PC, Notebook
        Connection: Wired
        Connectors: 1 x USB Type-C
        Headset type: Monaural
        Product no.: 4847634 Manufacturer no.: 1001254
        € 63,99

        Gross price: € 76,79 incl. € 12,80 VAT

        Delivery from 30. September.
        Only a few items left in stock.
      • EPOS IMPACT 460T Duo Headset
        EPOS IMPACT 460T Duo Headset
        Country variant: Europe
        Application: PC, Notebook
        Connection: Wired
        Connectors: 1 x USB Type-C
        Headset type: Binaural
        Product no.: 4847636 Manufacturer no.: 1001253
        € 71,99

        Gross price: € 86,39 incl. € 14,40 VAT

        Delivery from 30. September.
        Only a few items left in stock.
      • EPOS IMPACT 460 Duo Headset
        EPOS IMPACT 460 Duo Headset
        Country variant: Europe
        Application: PC, Notebook
        Connection: Wired
        Connectors: 1 x USB Type-C
        Headset type: Binaural
        Product no.: 4847637 Manufacturer no.: 1001251
        € 72,99

        Gross price: € 87,59 incl. € 14,60 VAT

        Delivery from 30. September.
        Only a few items left in stock.