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    Various capacities, various quantities - with the iStorage datAshur SD you have the choice! The iStorage datAshur SD is a PIN-authenticated, hardware-encrypted USB Type-C flash drive designed for removable iStorage microSD cards with capacities from 32 GB to 1 TB. Instead of integrating a fixed memory, the datAshur SD has been equipped with an integrated microSD card slot. This makes it a unique, ultra-safe and cost-effective solution. The user has the option of using a drive with as many iStorage microSD cards as they need. Together with the datAshur PRO2, the datAshur SD is the world's only encrypted USB flash drive that contains a securemicroprocessor certified to Common Criteria EAL 5+, enhancing security with true random number generation and built-in cryptography. It is not compatible with other brands. No software required. The drive works on any device with a USB port. Type-C to Type-A adapter included.

    iStorage datAshur SD Single Pack

    Rodzaj produktuUSB Stick
    Gwarancja producenta3 lata bring-in (szczegóły na stronie producenta)
    Możliwości podłączenia
    Złącza1 x USB 3.2 typu C
    Prędkość odczytu (do)100 MB/s
    Prędkość zapisu (do)95 MB/s
    Funkcje bezpieczeństwaSzyfrowanie 256-Bit-AES-XTS, Zabezp.kodemPIN za pomocą klaw.alfa., Tryb samozniszczenia
    CertyfikatyFIPS 140-3 Level 3, FIPS PUB 197
    Rodzaj ochronyIP68 (odporny na kurz & wodoodporny)
    Właściwości fizyczne
    Wymiary (szer. x wys. x gł.)20 x 87 x 14 mm
    Waga0,340 kg