Poly Plus Service for Headsets

    Comprehensive support service for Poly headsets.

    zł 71.99
      • Poly Blackwire 3Y Plus Service

        Poly Blackwire 3Y Plus Service

        Version: Poland
        Application: Headset
        Duration: 3 years
        Service type: Advance exchange service
        Included service: Technical support, Access to online support tools, Video-based expert support, Software updates, Software upgrades, Advance parts replacement, Hotline support
        Response time: Next business day
        Product no.: 4779802-21 Manufacturer no.: PBLKWIRE312
        zł 71.99

        Gross price: zł 88.55 incl. zł 16.56 VAT

        Delivery from 19. July.
      • Poly EncorePro 3Y Plus Service

        Poly EncorePro 3Y Plus Service

        Version: Poland
        Application: Headset
        Duration: 3 years
        Service type: Advance exchange service
        Included service: Technical support, Access to online support tools, Video-based expert support, Software updates, Software upgrades, Advance parts replacement, Hotline support
        Response time: Next business day
        Product no.: 4786140-21 Manufacturer no.: PENCORP312
        zł 76.99

        Gross price: zł 94.70 incl. zł 17.71 VAT

        Delivery from 19. July.
      • Poly Savi 3Y Plus Service

        Poly Savi 3Y Plus Service

        Version: Poland
        Application: Headset
        Duration: 3 years
        Service type: Advance exchange service
        Included service: Technical support, Access to online support tools, Video-based expert support, Software updates, Software upgrades, Advance parts replacement, Hotline support
        Response time: Next business day
        Product no.: 4784444-21 Manufacturer no.: PSAVI312
        zł 89.99

        Gross price: zł 110.69 incl. zł 20.70 VAT

        Delivery from 19. July.
      • Poly Voyager 3Y Plus Service

        Poly Voyager 3Y Plus Service

        Version: Poland
        Application: Headset
        Duration: 3 years
        Service type: Advance exchange service
        Included service: Technical support, Access to online support tools, Video-based expert support, Software updates, Software upgrades, Advance parts replacement, Hotline support
        Response time: Next business day
        Product no.: 4784445-21 Manufacturer no.: PVOYAG312
        zł 90.99

        Gross price: zł 111.92 incl. zł 20.93 VAT

        Delivery from 19. July.