EPOS IMPACT 700 Headset

Ensure customer satisfaction on every call with a headset that delivers rich, natural sound no matter the level of background noise.

zł 409.99
        • EPOS IMPACT 730 Headset
          EPOS IMPACT 730 Headset
          Country variant: Europe
          Application: PC, Notebook
          Connection: Wired
          Connectors: 1 x USB Type-A, 1 x USB Type-C
          Headset type: Monaural
          Product no.: 4793122 Manufacturer no.: 1001211
          zł 409.99

          Gross price: zł 504.29 incl. zł 94.30 VAT

        • EPOS IMPACT 730T Headset
          EPOS IMPACT 730T Headset
          Country variant: Europe
          Application: PC, Notebook
          Connection: Wired
          Connectors: 1 x USB Type-A, 1 x USB Type-C
          Headset type: Monaural
          Product no.: 4793129 Manufacturer no.: 1001212
          zł 409.99

          Gross price: zł 504.29 incl. zł 94.30 VAT

        • EPOS IMPACT 760T Headset
          EPOS IMPACT 760T Headset
          Country variant: Europe
          Application: PC, Notebook
          Connection: Wired
          Connectors: 1 x USB Type-A, 1 x USB Type-C
          Headset type: Binaural
          Product no.: 4793133 Manufacturer no.: 1001214
          zł 436.99

          Gross price: zł 537.50 incl. zł 100.51 VAT

        • EPOS IMPACT 760 Headset
          EPOS IMPACT 760 Headset
          Country variant: Europe
          Application: PC, Notebook
          Connection: Wired
          Connectors: 1 x USB Type-A, 1 x USB Type-C
          Headset type: Binaural
          Product no.: 4793130 Manufacturer no.: 1001213
          zł 436.99

          Gross price: zł 537.50 incl. zł 100.51 VAT