Software Package Factory – Multiple modules, one goal.

Corporate IT is constantly faced with enormous challenges. Faster release cycles, virtualisation, cloud computing, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) schemes and so much more.


The demand for application availability and business processes is constantly growing and is decisive for the success of your company. As a result, the dependency of business processes on systems availability is increasingly complex and the demands on services are becoming ever higher.


Faulty installations that crash applications or disrupt productivity have a negative impact on business processes and user satisfaction plus create a much higher workload for IT support. This is where we come in:

Our experts know how to deliver the latest applications in an efficient, unified and transparent way.


When preparing your software package, they analyse all associated data and sources, determine the best way to install your applications, transpose them into your preferred format and the resulting package is tested to rule out any technical glitches.


You are guaranteed to receive a package that can be seamlessly deployed via your own software distribution and ensures smooth updates without causing headaches for your end users.

Questions about our Software Package Factory?

Simply e-mail us at or call us on:
+49 7132 981-1600. We’re happy to help.

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Your benefits:

  • Pre-assessment of packages
  • Software packaging based on the customer’s installation standards
  • Package documentation
  • Provision of the software package


Optional services:

  • Compatibility check: Ensures software compatibility with your operating systems
  • Evaluation: Systematic collection, assessment and interpretation of all associated data, installation specifications and sources
  • Quality assurance: Implementation of a customer-provided test protocol or standard testing based on best practices
  • Small change: Small-scale changes to software packages previously created by the Bechtle Software Package Factory and approved by the customer.
Package Factory Services
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